The Higgs boson theory of PC gaming
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But the underlying theory at play here — that a single, minuscule component can be responsible for everything around us functioning as we expect it to — is hardly a new one. It has applications that extend beyond physics, such as to the realm of PC gaming. You only have to look at a couple of recent updates to some major titles to see that.
First consider the case of — pun not intended, honestly — Mass Effect 3. Although eagerly awaited prior to its release a few months ago, it was roundly criticized by many longtime players of the series, who were unsatisfied by the various possible endings to the epic space saga. Quite a few of those who had invested years in the games didn’t love the confusing, cookie-cutter finales that asked at least as many questions as they answered, and made their displeasure known to developer BioWare. As a result, the company returned to the drawing board to see if they could recover some of their lost good will. Two weeks ago, BioWare released “Extended Cut” versions of the endings that gave gamers more of the closure they demanded. But after examining these endings for myself, I’m not sure they do more good than harm.
The “Higgs field” at play with Mass Effect 3 was never consumer expectations, but rather the creators’ vision of where the story should ultimately go. Players were always really just along for the ride, but BioWare’s greatest mistake was convincing them that they had (or even deserved) some concrete say in what the narrative’s natural endpoint should be. What BioWare provided the first time around was the gift of interpretation. By eschewing a clear-cut wrap-up, it let each and every Commander Shepard see the story through his or her uniquely constructed viewpoint. (I’m still partial to the “Indoctrination Theory myself.)
More is certainly explained in the new endings, but that’s not necessarily better. Just as before, they rely on lots of recycled animation, and use new, pseudo-profound voiceovers to articulate the meaning behind it all. A new “epilogue” suggests that victory against the Reapers did eventually come — but well after the action in which your particular character took part.
This is a different kind of disappointing. It’s all well and good if your actions still had impact, even if you don’t see it, but the prevailing sense of the player’s uselessness has been amplified rather than lessened. The original endings, which not only kept you guessing but rendered Shepard a legend that left you wondering how much you could trust anything you’d witnessed, suggested a deeper, more philosophical view of your behavior. Any victory Shepard may have effected seems smaller in the Extended Cuts, as though the impact of your choices — whether you destroy the Reapers, control them, fuse them with organic life, or refuse the false premise you’re presented (in a new fourth ending) — doesn’t extend beyond your own sphere of the universe. As I see it, that’s not a triumph of the players over BioWare. If anything, it reinforces how much artists should be trusted, even when (or perhaps especially when) you don’t agree with the decisions they’ve made.
I’d been with the games since the very beginning, and felt a true sense of betrayal over this. Each subsequent game had always found some way to give you more than the preceding one, and if there was an ongoing refinement of the base ideas throughout, Civilization never stopped working and compelling. But for me, V did: I found its changes so crippling and dispiriting, in fact, that the time I spent playing it post–September 2010 was better measured in minutes than hours (let alone the hundreds of hours I spent with each of the four preceding games). So I’m more thrilled than anyone to be able to report that with Gods & Kings, its first major expansion pack, Civilization V has regained quite a bit of its much-missed mass.
With the reintroduction of religion and espionage as central concepts, it no longer feels like a board game, but instead what it should have resembled from the start: a complex and surprising simulation of what it’s like to found an empire and try to conquer the world with it. Religion provides a powerful tool (some might even say “weapon”) for establishing yourself and interacting with others in the early eras of the game; espionage takes over later, when overtly bloody crusades are less effective than covert power struggles. They complement each other beautifully, and add a vital texture to the game that was missing when everything had been distilled to a black-and-white balancing of science, gold, happiness, and culture. There are other changes, too — new rulers, new scenarios, new buildings and units — but these are the biggest.
Gods & Kings doesn’t reinstate all the marvelous intricacy that characterized Civilization IV — still the series’ highest point — but it proves that what’s always held the games together, and given them the weight and the gravitas that have so appealed to multiple generations of gamers, is rigorous detail. As soon as it was removed, in favor of more visceral, more straightforward, more “accessible” gameplay, it stopped feeling like Civilization and instead felt like just any other turn-based computer strategy game. This expansion injects a lot of the wonder, the surprise, and the challenge that had been removed, transforming this formerly bland offering into one that legitimately deserves to be called Civilization.
Maybe Gods & Kings won’t change the world, but like the Mass Effect 3 endings it shows how little alterations can often have a major impact on everything that surrounds them. It will be a while yet before the particle CERN observed at the Large Hadron Collider is identified, whether as a Higgs boson or something else, but even just the possibility that currently exists heralds an exciting new era in our understanding of the universe. And seeing how the lessons from this fundamental building block of matter reverberate through the lives we already live can be every bit as valuable. Recognizing the most important part of everything we see will help us better comprehend, or at least respect, it, and learn where we should go next. Are you listening, Microsoft?
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